Апага бжишк (1267-68) 10-11.2012 Июнь
The National Gallery of Armenia

The National Gallery of Armenia was founded in 1921 by the decision of the Soviet Armenian Government, as one of the five departments of the State Museum, then known as the Department of Art. Martiros Saryan was appointed Director of the museum, Vrtanes Akhikyan - Head of the Department of Fine Arts. The State Museum was then located on Astafyan (Abovyan) street, in the two-storey tufa building of the boys' gymnasium (architect V. Simonson).The museum building also housed the public library and concert hall. Besides, the construction served as a shelter for the orphans emigrated from Western Armenia, this being the reason that for the first four years the museum had no room for exhibitions. Quite grounded was A.Lunacharsky's displeasure, who, at his visit to Armenia in 1924, compared the museum with a big, motley storeroom.
The first portion of exhibits - several dozen objects - was bought by the Government for the museum in the July of 1921 from the 5th exhibition of the "Union of Armenian Painters", organized in the Central Club of Workers named after S.Shahumyan. These were the works of famous painters Y.Tadevosyan, S.Arakelyan, H.Hakobyan, V.Akhikyan, G.Sharbabchyan, graphic artist E.Chahine, and many others.
In the September of the same year by the decree of Moscow All-Russian Central Executive Committee former Lazarev Institute was renamed Culture House of Soviet Armenia. With this all its material and cultural values passed into state ownership of Armenia. This decision played a decisive role, since all of the Russian and European works of art in this collection passed to the Armenian museum, thus emphasizing its collective policy - to accumulate works of international fine arts and decorative applied art.
Generally, every museum has a unique history of its foundation. As for our museum, donations have played a significant role in its life, which definitely has its historic motives. Having a narrow escape from the Genocide, Armenian people had to leave the land of their ancestors to find shelter in the Near East, Europe and the USA. They took these countries as their second homeland, formed national communities and got engaged in the political, economic and social life of their new environment. They also got involved in cultural activity that included all the spheres of spiritual life: literature, music, and fine arts. Nevertheless, these people longed for their homeland, lived with its problems and achievements. Hence, it was quite reasonable that Armenian artists got engaged in the cultural life of reviving Armenia, especially in the foundation of the art museum.
Moscow Cinema
Moscow Cinema is located in the heart of Yerevan on Abovian Street. The building of Moscow Cinema is an integral part of fabulous architectural bouquet of old Yerevan. In the movie halls the acoustic perfection: Dolby Digital Surround EX, and Video system: DVD projector. Moscow Cinema also provides the choice of watching the movies in the summer outdoor. Moscow Cinema starts to show movies beginning 11:00 am every day of the week. Usually, the movies are scheduled to begin every two hours after 11 a.m.: 1 p.m., 3 p.m., 5 p.m., 7 p.m., and 9 p.m. The new movies are usually shown in prime times (7 and 9 p.m.), and later their show times are shifted to earlier hours, giving place to newer movies. The currently operating hall is equipped with comfortable arm-chairs. The halls are no smoking. The cinema offers indoor cafe as well as outdoor cafe. that operate during the summer period. Internet and computer services, playing machines and a shop of audio/video products where audio CDs and tapes, video tapes in Russian, English and Armenian (fiction movies/scientific movies) are available. Indoor cafe has modern furniture and lighting design. Serves drinks and beverages, snack food, ice cream, etc. Outdoor cafe has beautiful view on Aznavour Square and Abovyan street opening from the balcony where outdoor cafe is located.

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